I work as a volunteer in Zealandia, an urban wildlife sanctuary in the heart of Wellington, the 'coolest little capital' in the world. Here you can follow some of the things that I do, such as nest monitoring, feeding and talking about one of the rarest birds in the world or showing visitors the wonders of this amazing little valley.
When not in Zealandia I spend a large part of my time enjoying the wonderful outdoor environment Wellington has to offer. Biking, running, roller -blading, swimming and dragon-boat racing are some of the pleasures to be had amongst the tree clad hills, the winding roads and the ever changing harbour.
Living in Te Upoko O te Ika (the Maori name for Wellington meaning The Head of the Fish) is never boring with its wild climate and rugged terrain. I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I will enjoy describing this amazing place and its animals to you.

Thursday 26 December 2013

Merry Christmas

The christmas tree was outshone by the beautiful day outside
Christmas in Wellington was supposed to be rain and gale force winds. But hooray, the winds shot through last night, leaving everybody's roofs still attached. Instead there is a mild breeze and a brilliant sunny blue sky. We are having a quiet start before putting a lunch of cold ham and salads together for the family. No Christmas drinkies at this point or lunch may end up weird.

We are listening to Radio New Zealand and loving all the stories of our childhood. BadJelly the Witch by Spike Milligan is just the best! People from round the world are texting in and there are conversations with New Zealanders in strange places.

I woke to discover my pavlova base holding together, looking fragile but yummy. Soon it will be covered in cream and topped with kiwi fruit. The jelly maker had forgotten to put the jelly in the fridge so it was rather runny. Have put it in the fridge but if all else fails we will freeze the thing into solidity.
My pavlova tasted as good as it looked.

The garden is not quite ready to produce for Christmas Day as we have had a little cold spell which put things back. No peas yet but I have three big beans - not enough to feed eight alas. I would have had a strawberry but a bird got it first.

Our christmas presents are sorted already this year. Every second year Wellington holds its Arts Festival and our christmas present to each other is to buy tickets, eat out and have fun. What we see is a bit of a lottery sometimes but we are never disappointed. We enjoy the bad, weird and strange along with the truly sensational. So, February is to be anticipated and our presents yet to be enjoyed.
Fruit salad, ambrosia, trifle, jelly, pavlova - we went overboard with dessert
After an indulgent lunch it was time to relax. We had opened presents between courses so there was nothing left to do but finish the wine, and wind down with tea and christmas cake. As it was warm and mild, after the guests left I found a lounger and went and lounged. Bliss! No worries about dinner as we will be dining on left overs for a week.
Christmas Day in Wellington was the best place in New Zealand to celebrate it yet again.

Tucking in to pudding

Pavlova - New Zealand's signature dessert
Wellington's christmas day was one out of the box, encouraging people to take to the water.

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