I work as a volunteer in Zealandia, an urban wildlife sanctuary in the heart of Wellington, the 'coolest little capital' in the world. Here you can follow some of the things that I do, such as nest monitoring, feeding and talking about one of the rarest birds in the world or showing visitors the wonders of this amazing little valley.
When not in Zealandia I spend a large part of my time enjoying the wonderful outdoor environment Wellington has to offer. Biking, running, roller -blading, swimming and dragon-boat racing are some of the pleasures to be had amongst the tree clad hills, the winding roads and the ever changing harbour.
Living in Te Upoko O te Ika (the Maori name for Wellington meaning The Head of the Fish) is never boring with its wild climate and rugged terrain. I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I will enjoy describing this amazing place and its animals to you.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Wellington - alive and vibrant

Here is a really cool little time lapse video of Wellington at its best:

Wellington - alive and vibrant

And to put things in perspective, here is a link to a more wild turbulent Wellington:

Wellington Airport on a rough day

And just to show how tricky getting in and out of Wellington can be on a really bad day :

Rough Crossing

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