I work as a volunteer in Zealandia, an urban wildlife sanctuary in the heart of Wellington, the 'coolest little capital' in the world. Here you can follow some of the things that I do, such as nest monitoring, feeding and talking about one of the rarest birds in the world or showing visitors the wonders of this amazing little valley.
When not in Zealandia I spend a large part of my time enjoying the wonderful outdoor environment Wellington has to offer. Biking, running, roller -blading, swimming and dragon-boat racing are some of the pleasures to be had amongst the tree clad hills, the winding roads and the ever changing harbour.
Living in Te Upoko O te Ika (the Maori name for Wellington meaning The Head of the Fish) is never boring with its wild climate and rugged terrain. I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I will enjoy describing this amazing place and its animals to you.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Biking Around the Bays

Today was fine and clear with a slight southerly so I set off down the Ngaio Gorge on my bike to meet with friends and do a favourite cycle ride - Around the Bays. Whizzing down the gorge when there is not much traffic is always a joy.
We met up by the waterfront and were soon on our way, joined by plenty of other cyclists with the same idea. We cruised round Oriental Parade enjoying the relatively free of traffic ride as it was still quite early in the morning.
Round Point Jerningham we were forced to slow as we felt the southerly wind push into us a little as we made our way to Evans Bay and beyond. It is a flat ride past many little bays where people fish and relax. A faster group of riders, a couple of whom were familiar so I hung on to their coat tails for a short while before being burned off.
There were a couple of seaside cafes beckoning and by the time we had reached Seatoun and continued on over Passa Branda we began to think of a coffee stop. We passed under the airport extension and wound our way past Lyall Bay, normally a surfers beach but the sea was flat and lazy today.
We stopped at a little cafe off the main road and I had a hot chocolate and a brownies as we caught up on gossip.
coffee stop

Coming out we found that the weather had changed and clouded over. We continued around the coastal rolling hills then headed up the long steady climb of Happy Valley Road. The wind turned helpful and pushed us up for once. I got some speed up and passed a few people which gave me that smug feeling which small successes can bring on. 'That woman is showing off,' I heard someone mutter. 'While I still can I will,' I thought.
 Passing through Brooklyn I noticed the decorated bus stop I had read about in the newspaper. Persons unknown have added sofas, a bookcase, and other household items making it look very inviting. I was pleased to see it still there as there had been talk the council was going to clear the furniture away.

The comfy bus stop inviting you to come and sit a while

We then scooted down Brooklyn Hill to the city delighting in the sweeping turns to the bottom.
At this point we split up, me winding slowly up Raroa Road  passing absolutely no-one, going home via Otari Wilton while the others headed back through town.

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