I work as a volunteer in Zealandia, an urban wildlife sanctuary in the heart of Wellington, the 'coolest little capital' in the world. Here you can follow some of the things that I do, such as nest monitoring, feeding and talking about one of the rarest birds in the world or showing visitors the wonders of this amazing little valley.
When not in Zealandia I spend a large part of my time enjoying the wonderful outdoor environment Wellington has to offer. Biking, running, roller -blading, swimming and dragon-boat racing are some of the pleasures to be had amongst the tree clad hills, the winding roads and the ever changing harbour.
Living in Te Upoko O te Ika (the Maori name for Wellington meaning The Head of the Fish) is never boring with its wild climate and rugged terrain. I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I will enjoy describing this amazing place and its animals to you.

Friday 8 March 2013

Harbour Visitors


Wellington Harbour - a playground for dolphin and orca as well as people!!
                                  A school of dolphins accompanying the Eastbourne ferry.

I went to dragon boat practice yesterday with high hopes of being joined by orca or dolphins. Either would have sufficed. Dolphins en masse were spotted in the harbour last week and this week a family of orca  have put in an appearance on consecutive days hunting for stingray. The stingray hide out of harms way in the lagoon. The orca almost made the decision to go under the bridge into the lagoon before they thought better of it giving lucky people on the spot a great view of these amazing creatures.

                                                    Orca considering entering the lagoon

Alas during our practice there were no sightings. We practised a couple of races and finally we seem to be coming together as a cohesive unit, timing good and a few other faults ironed out as well.
The temperature was warm and though there was a swell, it was very pleasant paddling flat out along the course we will be racing at in a couple of weeks. Other boats were out and we had a couple of impromptu races with them to get us in the right frame of mind.
Afterwards we had a get-together at St Johns Bar with some nibbles as we watched videos of our action in the water. The coach was happy with what he saw and so were we.
Lets hope we can keep it together on race day.
I also hope that the dolphins and orca show up on race day. I won't mind if they steal the show or have a race or two with us!

                                    One orca made it to the famous Bucket Fountain on Cuba Street.

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